Partner(V) 03_155 やあ 衛宮 Yaa, Emiya Partner(V) 手荒なまねをしてすまなかったね Sorry about having to be so rough ど・・・ Wha... どういうことだ慎二? What is the meaning of this, Shinji? 見てのとおりさ It's how it looks 03_156 僕もおまえと同じマスターなんだよ I'm a Master just like you !? 驚くのは無理も無い It's not unreasonable for you to be surprised 僕だって困惑してるんだからね Since I'm amazed too そこで昔からの友人であるおまえを見込んで相談があるんだ As a friend from long ago I can trust you and so I have something to ask ガタッ (gataa) sound of shock 03_157 どうだい衛宮 How about it, Emiya 僕と手を組まないかい? Why not join with me? Partner(V) 03_158 ただいまー (tadaima-) I'm back ガラッ (garaa) sound of the door sliding open ドスドスドス (dosudosudosu) sound of heavy footfalls ちょっと衛宮くん! Hey, Emiya-kun! 貴方いったいどこ行ってたのよ!? Just where did you go!? ばんッ (bann) sound of Tohsaka's appearance 03_159 まあ話はあとでいいわ Well we'll talk later さっさと上がっちゃって Hurry up and come in えっと・・・ Um... 遠坂 Tohsaka その格好は? What's that get-up? [literally "what's with that shape?"] ああこのエプロンアンタの? Ah, isn't this apron yours? 台所にあったから借りたわよ It was in the kitchen so I borrowed it 言ったでしょ食事当番は持ち回りでって Didn't I say that we would take turns with making meals? ガラ・・・ (gara...) sound of door sliding 03_160 おかえり士郎ー! Welcome back, Shirou! 見て見て遠坂さんの料理すごいんだよー Look, look, Tohsaka-san's cooking is amazing! 士郎も早く食べてみなよ Shirou, hurry and eat some too い・・・!? Eh..!? 03_161 遠坂おまえ何て言って藤ねえたちを・・・ Tohsaka, what did you say to Fuji-nee and Sakura... あーそれで士郎ー? Ah, that, Shirou? 遠坂さんから話は気いたけど We heard it from Tohsaka-san くれぐれも間違いのないようにしなきゃダメよ She had to tell us so that there would be no mistake むぐ (mugu) sound of chewing え・・・? Eh...? ん? Hm? 遠坂さんちが改修中だから離れを貸すことにしたんでしょ? Tohsaka-san's house is under renovation so you let her borrow the detached room, right? え Eh あ ああ Ah, yeah そうだった That's right 心配ないよ Don't worry うん! Yeah! 03_162 学友を思いやる衛宮くんの心遣いには本当に感謝しています I am truly grateful for Emiya-kun's compassion for a schoolmate おかげでホテル暮らしをして無駄に出費する必要もなくなりましたし Thanks to him it is no longer necessary for me to waste money living in a hotel うんうん! Yeah yeah! 困ってる人を見過ごせないのは士郎のいいとこだからー Because one of Shirou's good points is being unable to overlook a person in need ぱーッ (paa) sound of まあ Well 士郎のことだから心配はしてないけど Since it's Shirou I'm not worried but 遠坂さんのことちゃんと面倒見てあげるのよ? You'll take care of Tohsaka-san properly, right? はいはいわかってます Yeah, yeah, I know ! どうかしら衛宮くん? I wonder, how it is, Emiya-kun? お口に合えばいいのだけど It would be nice if it suited your tastes むぐ・・・ (mugu) sound of Shirou chewing 03_163 よく言うよわかってやってるくせに Even though I understand you'll say it おまえ昨日の「勝った」ってのはこのことか This is what your words of "I win" meant yesterday まあね Well, you know 何事もどっちが上かハッキリさせておかないと気持ち悪いでしょ With everything, which is better needs to be made clear or things are unpleasant, yes? 衛宮くんはこういうの得意そうだったけどこれで面目が保てたわ Emiya-kun, you had such pride in your cooking but I have a reputation to uphold この完璧超人め・・・ She's a perfect superwoman... ・・・・・・ 03_164 それじゃお風呂借りるわね I'm going to borrow your bath now おーう (o-u) Okay 待ってください凛 Please wait, Rin 今夜の行動はどうするのですか? What do you plan to do for tonight's operation? 私はまた新都に行くつもりよ I intend to go to Shinto again 昨日の犯人の手がかりが見つかるかもしれないからね I might find some clues about yesterday's suspect 冬木は遠坂の管理地だもの Fuyuki City is land under Tohsaka control 誰であろうと好き勝手はさせられないわ I won't let anyone do what they please 03_165 そうか I see ギシッ (gishii) sound of boards creaking when Shirou gets up だったら俺も付いていくよ Then I'll go too ?その必要は悪いわよ ?That'll be unnecessary あっちはライダーと無関係なんだしこれは私の問題だわ This is unrelated to Rider so it's my problem そんなことはないだろ That's not necessarily true 俺にとっても無差別に人を襲うマスターは許せない存在だし To me, Masters who attack people indiscriminately are unforgiveable. 常に行動を共にするべきだって言ったのは遠坂じゃないか Wasn't it you who said that we would always operate together? それにおまえに話さなきゃいけないこともあるからな And I have something that I must talk about 03_166 カッ (kaa) カッ (kaa) カッ (kaa) カッ (kaa) カッ (kaa) sound of footsteps ガッ (gaa) sound of Shinji hitting Rider 03_167 !! ったく Seriously 勝手に結界を起動したと思えば今度は衛宮に危害を加えるなんてね If you think about starting the barrier again take the fact that Emiya may also be in danger into consideration ・・・・・・ 申し訳ありませんマスター I have no excuse, Master そういうわけなんだ衛宮 So that's it, Emiya これまでのことはみんなこいつの独断専行さ Everything until now has all been her acting on her own 僕にはおまえを敵にまわすつもりなんてなかったんだよ It was never my plan to make you into an enemy 03_168 だったらなんで学校に結界を張った? Then why did you place a barrier on the school? みんなの魂をそいつに食わせようとしたんじゃないのか!? Weren't you going to let her consume everyone's souls!? おいおい待ってくれよ Hey, hey, wait a minute 何も僕だって好きであんなことをしたわけじゃないさ It's not that I liked doing that あの結界はあくまで保険だよ That barrier was only insurance 他のマスターに襲われた時のためのね For when other Masters attack 保険だって・・・? Insurance...? そうさ Yes ギ・・・ (gi...) sound of Shinji gripping 03_169 僕はね You know, 衛宮 Emiya 別に聖杯が欲しいとかそういうんじゃないんだ It's not that I particularly want the Holy Grail 実のところマスターになったのだって僕の意志じゃない To tell the truth it wasn't even my will that I became a Master 僕は巻き込まれたのさ I got caught up in this 間桐の家の宿命ややろのせいでね It's because of the fate of the Matou household おまえだってそうなんだろう衛宮? Isn't it the same for you, Emiya? !? 何故それを・・・ Why do you know... わかるさ Look at it this way 長い付き合いだからな We've known each other for so long 03_170 僕たちは同じ立場にあるんだよ We're in the same situation お互い不本意にも聖杯戦争に巻き込まれた被害者なんだ We're both victims who have been reluctantly dragged into the Holy Grail War だったら身を守るために手を組むのは自然なことじゃないか So wouldn't it be natural for us to join together to protect ourselves? 僕らが手を組めばあの遠坂にだって負けやしないさ If we join together even that Tohsaka will lose to us どうだい How's that? 悪い話じゃないだろう? Not a bad idea, right? 03_171 うそ! No way! 慎二がマスター!? Shinji is a Master!? そんな馬鹿な・・・!学校にマスターがいるはずが! That's can't be...! That there's another Master at school! でもさ遠坂 But Tohsaka おまえは俺が魔術だってこと気づいてなかったろ? You were unable to detect my sorcery, right? だったら・・・ Then... 03_172 違う・・・違うのよ This is different... completely different そもそも慎二が魔術師であるはずがないの In the first place Shinji shouldn't even be a magus 彼らは元々マキリといって海外の魔術師だったの Originally they were a family of foreign magi called the Makiri それが日本に移住してきて間桐を名乗るようになったのよ When they came to Japan they renamed themselves Matou だけど日本の土が合わなかったのか But Japan's land did not agree with them その後彼らの魔術師としての血はどんどん薄まっていって・・・ And after that their magus blood rapidly weakened ついに魔術師の生命線である魔術回路が失われたのが慎二の父親の代なのよ Finally the magic circuits that were part of their magus bloodline disappeared with Shinji's father's generation 03_173 つまり間桐の家はとうに枯れてしまった家系なの In other words the Matou house is a lineage that has already faded away だから慎二がマスターになんてなれるわけが無いわ So for Shinji to be a Master makes no sense at all 間桐が魔術師の家系・・・ The Matou were a magus family... ですが凛 But Rin 現にライダーが彼に従っているのならその現実を認めるべきでしょう We must accept this as fact if Rider obeys him ・・・そうね ...Right わかったわ I know それであんたはその話を聞いてどうしたの? Then what did you do having heard that story? もちろん誘いは断ったよ I rejected his invitation, of course 俺は遠坂と共闘している身だからな Since I'm allied with you 03_174 そうですか I see それでは今こそライダーの討伐を Then now is the time to defeat Rider 待ってくれセイバー Wait, Saber 慎二の言ってることが本当ならあいつは被害者だ If what Shinji said is true then he is a victim こちらから仕掛けていかない限りは結界を使わないって約束もした Unless we attack him he promised not to use the barrier 無用な戦いは避けたいんだ I want to avoid any unnecessary battles まさかそれを鵜呑みにしてるわけじゃないわよね衛宮くん? But you don't really believe his story, right, Emiya-kun? ああ・・・・たけどアイツとは長い付き合いだからな Yeah...but I've been friends with him for so long so 決して悪い奴じゃないって信じてるよ I believe he's not really a bad guy 03_175 ・・・・・・ わかったわ Alright それなら衛宮くんの好きなようにすればいい If that's the case then do what you like きっと後悔することになると思うけどね But I think you'll definitely regret that decision それではこれで我々の共闘も終わりということでしょうか? Then does that mean our alliance is at an end? まさか Of course not あくまで様子を見るだけよ I just want to see how this goes 03_176 悪いけど私は慎二の言葉を信用できない I'm sorry but I can't put faith in Shinji's words だけど向こうが行動に出ない限り無害なのは確かだし However he certainly would be harmless if he does not act マスターがわかって対処も容易くなったからしばらく泳がせるのもアリかなって Once you identify a Master they become easy to deal with so for now we'll leave him alone そうですか I see 私としては早めに禍根を断っておいたほうが良いと思うのですが・・・ Although I think it's better to take out the root of evil while we can... まあそう言うなよセイバー Don't say that, Saber それよりさ遠坂 Anyway, Tohsaka 間桐の家が魔術師の家系だって言ったよな You said the Matou family were a line of magi だったら・・・ Then... 03_177 ははぁん (hahaan) Haha 桜のことが心配なんだ? You're worried about Sakura? あ ああ Ye, yeah ・・・大丈夫よ ...she'll be fine あの子なら聖杯戦争には無関係だから Because she's unrelated to the Holy Grail War それにしても私驚いたんだけど Anyway I'm surprised 衛宮くんって奥手そうに見えてそうでもなかったのね You seem like such a shy person but that wasn't true [奥手 can also mean "late bloomer" and in this case would be in regard to relationships. Still divided on which is the meaning here. I will leave the decision to you.] え Eh? 何のことだ? What do you mean? 桜に身の回りの世話を焼かせてるでしょうが Making Sakura help you with everything なに?あんたたちデキてんの? What? Have you two done it? 03_178 ば! Do! 馬鹿言うなよ Don't say stupid things [technically the ば is part of 馬鹿] [or use "Don't be stupid"] 桜は部の後輩だったからさ It's because Sakura is my kouhai from the Archery club 俺が独り身なのを心配して来てくれてるだけだって Even a single man can come to be worried 何言ってんのよ What are you saying それだけの理由で家まで押しかけてくる訳ないでしょ? If that's your only reason then there's no point in us intruding in her house, right? だ だからそれは・・・ S-so that's why... ・・・・・・ ブウゥゥン (buuuun) sound of Caster's spell (looking through a crystal ball?) 208 67222 03_179 ス・・・ (su...) sound of Caster moving her arm パァッ (paa) sound of Caster casting a spell !! 03_180 シロウ敵です! Shirou, an enemy! バッ (baa) sound of Saber turning suddenly ! 凛!気づいたか? Rin! Did you feel that? ええ この感じ昨日と同じね Yes. This feeling is the same as yesterday's ブンッ 行きましょう衛宮くん! Let's go, Emiya-kun! 待ってくれ遠坂 Wait, Tohsaka! そっちじゃないだろ? Isn't that the wrong way? 03_181 俺は向こうの方から何か感じるんだ! I'm sensing something from this direction! 何ですって? What? 何かわかるアーチャー? Are you picking anything up, Archer? いや  No 先ほどの魔術反応は町の中心部からだ A little while ago there was a magic reaction from the heart of the city 私にもシロウの言う異変は判別できませんが・・・ I also do not think that Shirou can distinguish between abnormalities... ・・・だけど衛宮くんの見地能力は無視できないわ ...but we cannot ignore Emiya-kun's ability for detection ここは二手に分かれましょう We should split up here 03_182 いい?無理はしないで Okay? Don't force yourself 手におえない相手ならすぐに逃げるのよ If you meet an enemy you can't handle then run シロウこちらに何が? Shirou, what is this way? タタッ (tataa) sound of steps わからない!ただ・・・ I don't know! Still... 嫌な感じだ I have a bad feeling かび臭いというか・・・ Something old and putrid... だけどこっちは・・・ But it's this way... 03_183 ザァ・・・ (zaa...) sound of the wind シロウこの広場は? Shirou, what is this open place? 昔ここで大きな火災があったんだ Long ago there was a great fire here この公園はその跡地を利用したものさ This park is made from those ruins 03_184 10年前 10 years ago 切嗣(オヤジ)が死にかけた俺を助けてくれたのがこの場所なんだ・・・! This is the place where Kiritsugu (father) saved me when I was close to dying 畜生・・・ Damn... こんなところで何をする気だ? What is being planned here? いけないシロウ! Watch out, Shirou! バッ (baa) sound of Saber moving to intercept 03_185 ドカッ (dokaa) sound of Saber slashing the skeleton ガシャッ (gashaa) sound of the skeleton falling apart 何だ!? What the!? 気をつけてください! Please be careful! ヒュッ (hyuu) sound of Saber's armor materializing 03_186 囲まれています! We're surrounded! ザン (zan) sound of realization 何だこいつら・・・!? What are these...!? シャッ (shaa) sound of Shirou drawing his weapon ガラッ (garaa) sound of skeletons running シロウは下がって! Get back, Shirou! 03_187 ガガッ (gagaa) sound of skeletons breaking ガシャ (gasya) ガシャ (gasya) sound of skeletons ドッ (doo) sound of Saber slashing このような木偶をいくら集めたところでーー No matter how many of these puppets you gather-- 03_188 ブオッ (buoo) sound of Saber's mass strike すごい!一撃で・・・ Amazing! With one slash... いや No まだ来ます! They're still coming! 03_189 ガシャッ (gashaa) ガシャ・・・ (gasha...) ガシャ (gasha) sounds of skeletons advancing くそッ!こいつらどこからッ!? Shit! Where are they coming from!? 私のそばから離れないでくださいシロウ!! Please do not leave my side, Shirou! ポウ・・・ (bou...) sound of Caster casting 03_190-191 !!! ドォッ (doo) sound of a large explosion セイバァーー!! SABER--!! カッ (kaa) sound of impact Partner(V)/END